President Hayes, 385;
speech for, 385.
Bailey, B. Prentiss, Utica _Observer_, a leading Dem. editor, iii. 420.
Bailey, Theodorus, urged for appointment, i. 121;
Clinton's agent, 152;
elected to U.S. Senate, 156.
Balcom, Ransom, reputation as a judge, iii. 166;
aspires to U.S. Senate, 1865, 166.
Ballard, Horatio, nominated for sec. of state, 1861, iii. 23, note;
elected, 29.
Baltimore convention, 1860, ii. 294-303;
Seymour strengthened, 294;
New York in control, 294, note;
seceding delegations wish to return, 295;
bitter debate, 296-7;
New York admits contestants, 300;
states secede, 300;
Soule's speech, 300-1;
Douglas nominated, 302;
Fitzpatrick nominated for Vice-President, 302;
Johnson substituted, 302.
Baltimore Union Convention, 1864, iii. 93-5;
its platform and nominees, 94.
Banks, Republicans opposed to, i. 186;
Hamilton secures charters, 186;
clever trick of Burr, 187;
State Bank of Albany, 187;
Merchants' Bank of New York, 189;
Bank of America, 191;
charter granted, 197.
Bank of Albany, incorporation of, i. 186.
Bank of America of New York, incorporation of, i. 191;
inducements for, 191.
Bank of Columbia at Hudson, incorporation of, i. 186.
Bank of New York, incorporation of, i. 186.
Barker, George P., at.-gen., ii. 52.
Barkley, Alexander, nominated for canal com., 1868, iii. 196;
defeated, 215;
renominated, 1870, 238;
defeated, 244;
renominated, 1871, 264;
elected, 275.
Barlow, Francis C., record as a soldier, iii. 129;
nominated for sec. of state, 1865, 130;
elected, 135;
not renominated, 1867, 174;
nominated for atty.-gen., 1871, 264;
elected, 275;
fine record of, 307;
dropped as atty.-gen., 1873, 307.
Barnard, David, popular anti-masonic preacher, i. 370.
Barnard, George G., Tweed's trusted judge, iii. 177;
foppish dress, 177;
appearance of, 177;
begins 1857 as recorder, 177;
advanced to Sup. Court, 1860, 177;
part in election frauds, 1868, 216;
fraudulent naturalisations, 216-8;
exposure, 246;
impeached, 248;
death, 248.
Barnburners, Dem. faction, ii. 126;
why so called, 126;
leaders of, 126-7;
hostility to Hunkers, 127;
secede from Dem. con., 1847, 127;
withdraw from Baltimore con., 130;
hold Utica con., 131;
nominate Van Buren for President, 131;
two factions of, 131;
leading members, 131;
Buffalo con., 1848, 132;
indorsed Van Bu