every blot, every line from my brush
shall be alive!
It takes an artist fifty years to learn to do anything, and fifty years
to learn what not to do--and fifty years to sift and find what he simply
desires to do--and 300 years to do it, and when it is done neither
heaven nor earth much needs it nor heeds it. Well, I'll peg away; I can
do nothing else, and wouldn't if I could.
If the Lord lets me live two years longer, I think that I can paint
something beautiful.
_Corot at 77._
If Heaven would give me ten years more ... if Heaven would give me only
five years more ... I might become a really great painter.
I will have my Bed to be a Bed of Honour, and cannot die in a better
Posture than with my Pencil in my Hand.
_Lucas of Leyden._
Adieu! I go above to see if friend Corot has found me new landscapes to
_Daubigny_ (on his death-bed).
Leaving my brush in the city of the East, I go to gaze on the divine
landscapes of the Paradise of the West.
_Hiroshige_ (on his death-bed).
Much will hereafter be written about subjects and refinements of
painting. Sure am I that many notable men will arise, all of whom will
write both well and better about this art and will teach it better than
I. For I myself hold my art at a very mean value, for I know what my
faults are. Let every man therefore strive to better these my errors
according to his powers. Would to God it were possible for me to see
the work and art of the mighty masters to come, who are yet unborn, for
I know that I might be improved. Ah! how often in my sleep do I behold
great works of art and beautiful things, the like whereof never appear
to me awake, but so soon as I awake even the remembrance of them leaveth
me. Let none be ashamed to learn, for a good work requireth good
counsel. Nevertheless, whosoever taketh counsel in the arts let him take
it from one thoroughly versed in those matters, who can prove what he
saith with his hand. Howbeit any one _may_ give thee counsel; and when
thou hast done a work pleasing to thyself, it is good for thee to show
it to dull men of little judgment that they may give their opinion of
it. As a rule, they pick out the most faulty points, whilst they
entirely pass over the good. If thou findest something they say true,
thou mayest thus better thy work.