y goldenrod, on the south by ragweed, on the east by chickweed,
and on the west by a sleepless night.
I would fain treat pollinosis in the way Mr. Lee might discuss it, but
that is impossible. Those prolate, sagging spirals of thought, those
grapevine twists of irremediable whim, that mind shimmering like a
poplar tree in sun and wind--jetting and spouting like plumbing after a
freeze-up--'tis beyond me. I fancy that if Mr. Lee were in bed, and the
sheets were untucked at his feet, he could spin himself so iridescent
and dove-throated and opaline a philosophy of the desirability of
sleeping with cold feet, that either (1) he would not need to get out of
bed to rearrange the bedclothes, or (2) he could persuade someone else
to do it for him. Think, then, what he could do for hay fever!
And as Dr. Crothers said, when you mix what you think with what you
think you think, effervescence of that kind always results.
This book will be found exceedingly valuable for classroom use by
teachers of theology, hydraulics, and applied engineering. It is
recommended that it be introduced to students before their minds have
become hardened, clotted, and skeptical. The author does not hold
himself responsible for any of the statements in the book, and reserves
the right to disavow any or all of them under intellectual pressure.
For a rapid quiz, the following suggested topics will be found valuable
for classroom consideration:
1. Do you discern any evidences of sincerity and serious moral
purpose in this book?
2. Why was fifty dollars a week not enough for Mr. Kenneth Stockton
to live on? Explain three ways in which he augmented his income.
3. What is a "colyumist"? Give one notorious example.
4. Comment on Don Marquis's attitude toward
(a) vers libre poets
(b) beefsteak and onions
(c) the cut of his trousers (Explain in detail)
(d) The Republican Party
5. Who is Robert Cortes Holliday, and for what is he notable?
6. Where was Vachel Lindsay fumigated, and why? 7. Who is "The Head
of the Firm"?
8. How much money did the author spend on cider in July, 1911?
9. Who was Denis Dulcet, and what did he die of?
10. When did William McFee live in Nutley, and why?
11. How are the works of Harold Bell Wright most useful in Kings,
Long Island?
12. Where is Strychnine, an