er 10th,
and he is very happy to welcome you into the service of this glorious
Faith, and especially to see that you are going to serve in Alaska, a
country to which he attaches great importance.
(82) ALASKA--Incorporation of L.S.A. and growth
(82) ALASKA--Incorporation of L.S.A. and growth
He was also delighted to hear of the incorporation of Anchorage. The Faith
is certainly going ahead by leaps and bounds in the "barren North"!
(83) ALASKA--Spirit of confidence
(83) ALASKA--Spirit of confidence
He was delighted with all the good news you conveyed of the progress of
the Cause in Alaska, the radio broadcasts, the new believers, and the
spirit of confidence and devotion which animates you all in serving our
precious Faith.
(84) ALASKA--Unity of believers
(84) ALASKA--Unity of believers
He was very happy to hear of the unity of the Alaskan Baha'is; they are a
Community particularly dear to his heart, and he hopes that in the years
to come the Cause will make remarkable progress in that land.
We do not believe in Anti-Christ in the sense the Christians do. Anyone
who violently and determinedly sought to oppose the Manifestation could be
called an "anti-Christ," such as the Vazir in the Bab's day, Haji Mirza
We do not believe that there was a bodily resurrection after the
crucifixion of Christ, but that there was a time after His ascension when
His disciples perceived spiritually His true greatness and realized He was
eternal in being. This is what has been reported symbolically in the New
Testament and been misunderstood. His eating with His disciples after
resurrection is the same thing.
(87) CHRIST--Virgin Birth
(87) CHRIST--Virgin Birth
What science calls a virgin birth we do not associate with that of Jesus
Christ, which we believe to have been a miracle and a sign of His
Prophethood. In this matter we are in entire agreement with the most
orthodox church views.
(88) FEAR--Overcoming fear
(88) FEAR--Overcoming fear
He will certainly pray that you may entirely over-come your fear-complex.
When you concentrate your thoughts on realizing that you now belong to
Baha'u'llah, are His servant whom He loves and will always help, if you
ask Him to, and that the great spiritual strength of the Cause of God is
behind you for you to d