of, 107.
definition of, 98.
demonstrative, 102.
from nouns, used as nouns, 27.
function of, 97.
how to parse, 115, 116.
in predicate, 239.
not compared, 109.
of quality, 99.
of quantity, 101.
ordinal, 103.
plural of, 106.
pronominal, 104.
syntax of, 303.
Adverbial clauses, 262.
Adverbial objective, 48, 242.
Adverbs, between _to_ and infinitive, 323.
classes of, 185, 187.
definition of, 184.
distinguished from adjectives, 190.
how to parse, 191.
position of, in sentence, 325.
same form as adjectives, 190.
syntax of, 325.
used as adjectives, 116.
used as nouns, 27.
what they modify, 183.
Adversative conjunction, 194.
_After_, uses of, 114, 195, 207.
_Against_, uses of, 207.
Agreement, kinds of, 275.
of adjective with noun, 303.
of personal pronoun with antecedent, 287.
of relative pronoun with antecedent, 291.
of verb with subject, 148, 316.
_All_, syntax of, 302.
_Alms_, 42.
Alternative conjunctions, 194, 328.
_Among, between_, 207, 331.
_An_. See _A_.
Anacoluthon with _which_, 295.
Analysis, definition of, 231.
of complex sentences, 264.
of compound sentences, 271.
of simple sentences, 252.
_And who_, _and which_, 296.
Antecedent, agreement of pronoun and. See _Agreement_.
definition of, 74.
of _it_, 67.
of personal pronouns, 74, 287.
of _which_, 79.
_Any_, as adjective, 101.
as pronoun, 90.
syntax of, 300.
Apostrophe in possessive, 51.
Apposition, words in, 47, 49, 67, 240.
_Are_, derivation of, 150.
Arrangement in syntax, 275.
Articles, definite, 120.
definition of, 120.
how to parse, 127.
indefinite, 124.
syntax of, 309.
_As_, after _same_, 294.
uses of, 84, 225.
_As if_, _as though_, 198.
_At_, uses of, 208.
Auxiliary verbs, 148.
_Bad_, comparison of, 110.
_Be_, conjugation of, 149.
uses of, 150.
_Better_, _best_, 110, 111.
_Between._ See _Among_.
_Brethren_, 39.
_Bridegroom_, 37.
_But_, uses of, 84, 224.
with nominative of pronoun, 283.
_But what_, 330.
_By_, uses of, 210.
_Can_, _could_, 161.
Case, definition of, 46.
Case, double possessive, of nouns, 54.
of pronouns, 64.
forms, number of, in Old and Modern English, 46.