ould tend to prolong the calamities of war; but while these
measures were under consideration, they received from their Ministers
official advices of the agreement between them and the Court of Great
Britain relative to a cessation of hostilities, on which they have
founded the enclosed Proclamation.[29] They have likewise under
consideration measures for the discharge of their prisoners; these
measures will be carried into effect as soon as possible after they
are determined on.
It cannot be doubted, Sir, as you justly observe, that Congress will
embrace the earliest opportunity to perform the stipulations contained
in the fifth, as well as every other of the Provisional Articles,
immediately after the same shall have been ratified. In the meanwhile,
it must be obvious to your Excellency that a recommendation to restore
to the loyalists the estates they have forfeited, will come with less
weight before Legislatures composed of men, whose property is still
withheld from them by the continuance of his Britannic Majesty's
fleets and armies in this country, than it will do when peace and the
full enjoyment of their rights shall have worn down those asperities,
which have grown out of eight years' war. This reflection will, I
doubt not, induce you to give every facility in your power to the
execution of the seventh Article of the Provisional Treaty, and to fix
as early a day for the evacuation of New York, and its dependencies,
as may consist with your orders.
I give the fullest credit, Sir, to your assurances, that you are ready
to cultivate the spirit of harmony and good will between the subjects
and citizens of his Britannic Majesty and these States, since I find
them warranted by the humanity which has uniformly distinguished your
command in America. But, Sir, time only, with liberality in those that
govern in both countries, can entirely efface the remembrance of what
has passed, and produce that perfect good will, which I sincerely
concur with you in wishing to cultivate.
I am, Sir, &c.
[29] See this Proclamation in the _Correspondence of the Commissioners
for Peace_, Vol. X. p. 133.
* * * * *
Philadelphia, April 12th, 1783.
I received your letter, enclosing a Proclamation for the suspensi