r_ (o zha), a Danish hero under Charlemagne.
_Oi' neus_, a king of Calydon, father of Meleager.
_Ol' i ver_, one of Charlemagne's paladins, comrade of Roland,
_O lym' pus_, a mountain in Greece, the home of the gods.
_O res' tes_, the son of Agamemnon.
_Orleans_ (or la on'), an important city in France.
_Or sil' o chus_, a king of the ancient city of Pherae.
_Pal a me' des_, a Greek hero in the war with Troy.
_Par' is_, a prince of Troy, second son of Priam.
_Paer nas' sus_, a mountain in Greece near Delphi.
_Pe' leus_, the father of Achilles.
_Pe' li on_, a mountain on the east coast of Greece.
_Pep' in_, a king of the Franks, father of Charlemagne.
_Phoe' bus_, another name for Apollo.
_Pied' mont_, a district in northern Italy.
_Pol' lux_, the twin brother of Castor, and brother of Helen.
_Po sei' don_, supreme lord of the sea; same as Neptune.
_Pri' am_, the last king of Troy.
_Pu elle'_, an ancient forest in France.
_Py' los_, an ancient town in the south part of Greece.
_Pyr' e nees_, the mountains between France and Spain.
_Py' thon_, the serpent slain by Apollo.
_Raen_, in Norse mythology, the goddess of the sea.
_Re' gin_ (-jin), a dwarf, the instructor of Siegfried.
_Ro' land_, the most famous of Charlemagne's paladins.
_Ronce vaux'_ (-vo), a valley in Navarre, Spain, in the Pyrenees.
_Roussillon_ (roo se' yon'), an ancient district of France.
_St. Omer_ (sen to mar'), a famous city in northern France.
_St. Quentin_ (saan kon tan'), a city in northeastern France.
_Sal a mis_, an island of ancient Greece.
_Sar' a cens_, the Arab followers of Mohammed.
_Scae' an_ (ske' an), the principal gate of Troy.
_Sca man' der_, a river near Troy.
_Seine_ (san), one of the principal rivers of France.
_Sieg' fried_, a mythical hero of the Rhine country.
_Si' gyn_, the wife of Loki.
_Skae de_, in Norse mythology, the goddess of the snow.
_Tel' a mon_, a Greek hero, the father of Ajax.
_Thes sa' li an_, belonging to Thessaly in northern Greece.
_The' tis_, a sea nymph, the mother of Achilles.
_Tro pho' ni us_, one of the architects of the temple at Delphi.
_Tur' pin_, archbishop of Rheims, and paladin of Charlemagne.
_Valenciennes_ (vae lon syen'), a city in northeastern France.
_Vul' can_, the blacksmith of the gods.
_Xanthos_ (zan' thus), "Old Gold," one of the horses of Peleus.
_Zeus_, the king of the gods; same as Jupiter.
End of the Projec