elieved that a brief
restatement of the place of the church in the rural life movement is
desirable at the present time.
It has been the task and privilege of the writer for the past four
years to be almost constantly in the field traveling from the Atlantic
to the Pacific and from Canadian border to the limits of Florida and
getting so far as possible first-hand impressions of rural church and
community conditions. It is the purpose of the present essay to
discuss some of the general problems in rural life presenting
themselves to the religious forces of America, and to note some
conclusions as to the next steps to be taken if these forces are to
render the service in rural advance that it is believed is theirs to
render. Suggestions as to local programs will be made only as evidence
that when the church undertakes in an adequate manner the solution of
problems whose solution is demanded of it, it receives both the moral
and the financial support of the people served. The chapters on phases
of the local program are intended only to help in preparing the way
for the larger service contemplated.
As with individuals, so it is with institutions. It is difficult to
discuss the place of different organizations in the rural life
movement without arousing the antagonism of leaders in the respective
organizations. It is hoped that the point of view held will be
accepted as one of sympathy for the efforts of all organizations
concerned and that the purpose of the discussion is to point the way
toward a larger cooperation resulting from a better understanding of
the work that may be expected of each.
When one begins to discuss a subject it helps very much if his readers
know what he has in mind in the terms used. In the title selected for
this text there are at least three words that need definition.
Probably no reader will agree fully with any of the definitions given,
but an attempt to define should at least help the reader to understand
better in what sense the terms are used by the writer.
The term "community" has come into such common use that it might be
assumed that definition is unnecessary. And yet when learned bodies
get together to discuss community problems a large part of the time is
usually taken up in attempting to define what the different speakers
are talking about.
When the writer lived in the open country several years ago he w