using the point of contact as a pivot for his
assaults. In changing from one engage to the other the movement is
controlled by the left hand, the right remaining stationary.
72. After some exercise in _engage_, _engage left_, and _counter_,
exercises will be given in the _assaults_.
73. The part of the body to be attacked will be designated by name, as
head, heck, chest, stomach, legs. No attacks will be made below the
knees. The commands are given and the movements for each line are
first explained thoroughly by the instructor; the execution begins at
the command _assault_. Number one executes the attack, and number two
parries; conversely, at command, number two attacks and number one
74. For convenience in instruction _assaults_ are divided into _simple
attacks_, _counter attacks_, _attacks on the rifle_, and _feints_.
75. Success in these attacks depends on quickness of movement. There
are three simple attacks--the _straight_, the _disengagement_, and the
_counter disengagement_. They are not preceded by a feint.
76. In the _straight_ the bayonet is directed straight at an opening
from the engaged position. Contact with the opponent's rifle may, or
may not, be abandoned while making it. If the opening be high or low,
contact with the rifle will usually be abandoned on commencing the
attack. If the opening be near his guard, the light pressure used in
the engage may be continued in the attack.
Example: Being at the _engage right_, 1. _Number one, at neck_ (head,
chest, right leg, etc.), _thrust_; 2. _Number two, parry right_; 3.
77. In the _disengagement_ contact with the opponent's rifle is
abandoned and the point of the bayonet is circled _under_ or _over_
his bayonet or rifle and directed into the opening attacked. This
attack is delivered by one continuous spiral movement of the bayonet
from the moment contact is abandoned.
Example: Being at the _engage right_, 1. _Number one_, at stomach
(left chest, left leg, etc.), _thrust_; 2. _Number two, parry left_
(etc.); 3. _ASSAULT_.
78. In the _counter disengagement_ a swift attack is made into the
opening disclosed while the opponent is attempting to change the
engagement of his rifle. It is delivered by one continuous spiral
movement of the bayonet into the opening.
Example: Being at the _engage right_, 1. _Number two, engage left_; 2.
_Number one_, at chest, _thrust_; 3. _Number two, parr