tar: in Dictaean Cave, 137; at Shaft-Graves, 251
Amaltheia, 7, 111
Amenemhat III., 150; Labyrinth of, 150-155; pyramid of, 47; cylinders of, 199
Amenhotep, II., 174
Amenhotep III., 158, 162, 173, 174, 184, 185, 208
Amen-Ra, statuette of, in Dictaean Cave, 137
Amor, Amorites, 165
Amorgos, 193
Anatolia, 6; Minoan settlements in, 184
Androgeos, son of Minos, 10
Andromache, 24, 41
Aniconic worship, 245, 246
Aphrodite: aspect of Cretan goddess, 104, 122; identified with Minoan
goddess, 247
Aqayuasha invade Egypt, 164
Archon, the King, 108
Argives, 166
Argolid: place of, in Greek history, 22; conquest of, by Achaeans, 182
Ariadne, 3, 179; flees with Theseus and deserted by him, 13; Choros of,
at Knossos, 103; title of Cretan goddess, 104, 122
Aristides, 'The Unjust,' 240
Armour: Homeric, 26-28, 61; Mycenaean, 61
Army, Minoan, 225, 226
Arrows, deposits of, at Knossos, 110, 225
Artemis Dictynna, aspect of Cretan goddess, 122, 247
Asia, community of religious conceptions between Crete and, 141
Athens: conquered by Minos, 10, 170; place in Homeric poems, 21
Atlantis, Plato's legend of, 257-259
Atreus, Treasury of, 43, 46-48
Axos, 166
Babylonia, relations with Crete, 139-142
Bacchylides, legend of Theseus and the ring of Minos, 13
Basilica, origin of, 108
Bathroom of Queen's Megaron, 95
Beak-jugs=schnabelkanne, _q.v._
Beehive chamber at Knossos, 113, 114
Beehive tombs: at Mycenae, 46-48, 56; at Orchomenos, 48, 56; at Phaestos, 229
Bliss finds Minoan pottery at Telles-Safi, 167
Boghaz-Keui, treaty between Hittites and Egyptians discovered at, 162
Bosanquet, Mr.: Minoan purple, 133; marine decoration, 204
Boxer Vase, the, 124, 169, 172, 204
Boxing, Minoan, 103
Breasted, H., Egyptian chronology, 148
Britomartis, 122
Bronze, use of, for weapons, 27, 60, 228
Browne, H., 'Homeric Study,' 30-32, 62
Bucchero: deposit of, at Knossos, 66, 189, 191; at Abydos, 142, 143
Buegelkanne=stirrup-vases, _q.v._
Bull: fresco of, at Tiryns, 49, 90; at Knossos, 66; relief of, at
Knossos, 77, 78, 172; fresco, 88, 89
Bull-god, 105, 252, 253
Bull-grappling, 88-91, 257, 258
Bunarbashi, supposed site of Troy, 38
Burial, 58-60
Burrows, Professor: quoted, 88, 98, 99, 108, 109, 122, 174, 177;
Minoan art in Egypt, 185
Button seals, 143, 194
Byblos, Wen-Amon at, 186
Callimachus, character of Cretans, 8
Carians expelled by Minos, 9
Carpenter, tools of, 221, 222
Chariots, 225
Cherethites=Cretans, 168
Chieftain Vase, the,