itly applyed and seasonably administered by the
counsell and advice of the learned and skilfull Physitian, according to
the true rules, and method of Art.
_Temporibus medicina valet, data tempore prosunt,
Et data non apto tempore vina nocent._
That is,
Medicines availe in their due times,
And profit is got by drinking wines
In timely sort; but in all reason
They doe offend, drunke out of season.
Therefore to know th' originall mineralls, faculties, and vertues of
this worthy acide fountaine, will bee to no end, or to small purpose for
them, who understand not the right and true use, nor the fit and orderly
administration of it. For not only Physicke or medicines, but also
meats, and drinks taken disorderly, out of due time and without measure,
bringeth oftentimes detriment to the partie; who otherwise might receive
comfort and strength thereby: So likewise this water, if it be not
drunke at a convenient time and season, in due fashion and proportion,
yea, and that after preparatives and requisite purging and evacuation of
the body, may easily hurt those, whose infirmities otherwise it doth
principally respect. For medicines ought not to be taken rashly, and
unadvisably, as most doe hand over head without any consideration of
time, place, and other circumstances; as that ignorant man did, who
getting the recipt of that medicine, wherewith formerly he had been
cured, made triall of it againe long after for the same infirmity
without any helpe or good at all, whereat greatly marvailing, received
this answer fro his Physitian: I confesse (said hee) it was the selfe
same medicine, but because I did not give it, therefore it did you no
To the end therefore, that no occasion may hereafter be either given, or
taken by the misgovernment, or overrashnesse of any in using it to
calumniate and traduce the worth, and goodnesse of this fountaine, I
will briefly here shew, what course is chiefly to be followed and
observed by those who shall stand in need of it.
First then, because very few men are thoroughly and sufficiently
informed concerning the natures, and causes of their grievances, it
will be necessary that every one shold apply himselfe to some one, or
other, who either out of his judgement, or experience, or both, may
truely be able to give him counsell and good advice concerning the
conveniency of this fountaine. And if he shall be avised to use it, then
let the party (in the fea