ing table of the prices of
_Before the war._ _Now._
White wheat, per bushel $1 50 White wheat, per bushel $4 50
Flour, per barrel 7 50 Flour, per barrel 22 00
Corn, per bushel 70 Corn, per bushel 3 50
Hay, per hundred 1 00 Hay, per hundred 3 50
Hides, per pound 7 Hides, per pound 40
Beef, per pound 8 Beef, per pound 50
Bacon, per pound 13 Bacon, per pound 60
Lard, per pound 15 Lard, per pound 1 00
Butter, per pound 30 Butter, per pound 1 50
Irish potatoes 1 00 Irish potatoes 5 00
Sweet potatoes 1 00 Sweet potatoes 6 00
Apple brandy 1 00 Apple brandy 15 00
Wool, per pound 30 Wool, per pound 2 00
Bar iron, per pound 4 Bar iron, per pound 20
Nails, per pound 4 Nails, per pound 60
Leather, sole, per pound 25 Leather, sole, per pound 2 50
" upper, per pound 33 " upper, per pound 3 50
Osnaburgs, per yard 10 Osnaburgs, per yard 75
Brown cotton, per yard 10 Brown cotton, per yard 75
Sheeting, per yard 15 Sheeting, per yard 1 25
Coarse jeanes 45 Coarse jeanes 4 00
Crenshaw's gray 2 00 Crenshaw's gray 28 00
Coarse shoes $1 50 Coarse shoes $15 00
High-quartered shoes 3 50 High-quartered shoes 25 00
Boots 7 50 Boots 60 00
Wool hats, per dozen 7 00 Wool hats, per dozen 50 00
Dividends on stocks in cotton companies, worth in May, 1861, $25 to $50
per share, now from $112