ulgaria"--that is what the Greeks said and wrote to the Entente
powers. And the chief newspapers of the Allies are full of articles
trying to prove that the Bulgarians, under the guidance of Germany and
Austria, are endangering the Balkan situation. According to what we
learn, Germany is straining every nerve to incite an armed conflict
between Greece and Bulgaria. In this way Germany hopes to guarantee
Turkey against any possible attack from Bulgaria, and thus promote her
own interests. To this fact we most earnestly call the attention of
the Bulgarian people.
_From the Nationalist Kambana of Sofia, May 4, 1915._
Greece and Serbia are, first of all, threatened by Bulgaria, and they
both know that they must step out of Bulgarian Macedonia. The
struggle for Macedonia does not date from yesterday or today; this is
an age-long struggle, which will end only when Bulgaria shall have
assured her frontier, when Greece shall return to her peninsula, and
when Serbia shall be entirely wiped off the map of the Balkans. Aside
from the Greeks and Serbs, Bulgaria constitutes a danger also for
Russia, inasmuch as we do not want to be the bridge for any further
Russian expansion. Russian diplomacy has done everything in its power
to alienate Bulgarian sympathy and to make us unfriendly to Rumania
and Turkey; but Russia is today severely punished for her misdeeds.
Russia, Serbia, and Greece are finding themselves in a pretty hard
position, and are looking for our help. But we must not hurry. Every
day that passes weakens our enemies, and the future of Bulgaria
becomes daily brighter.
_From the Moldava of Bucharest, organ of the Conservative Party, of
April 1, 1915._
For a long time public opinion in Rumania has been lulled into
believing that we shall take Transylvania, but not a word has been
said about Bessarabia. We do not know why our political predecessors
wanted to create a strong barrier in the face of Russia, behind which
live, condemned to perpetual isolation, 3,000,000 Rumanians. That
territory which lies between the Rivers Pruth and Bug contains a
population of more than 5,000,000, of which 3,500,000 are Moldavians;
it comprises, also, the mouth of the Danube, fertile lands, an
extended shore, and the City of Odessa itself. The budget of that part
of Bessarabia which lies between the Rivers Pruth and Dniester amounts
to 250,000,