f of their souls' welfare. Although not in
communication with them in body they were in spirit, and from this
source they knew all was well. The High Priest, in his astral
visits, could see the growing power of the soul over the
slowly-evolving brain of the Princess, and with the electric
soul-force, the great nourisher and renewer of life, though
unconscious to him, the rounding out was fast nearing completion of
the soul's mastery over the brain and body of Nu-nah.
They had settled in distant lands, near a little country village
that lay just at the foot of the mountains. It was made up of the
simple peasantry, where life was free from cant, suspicions,
criticism and morbid curiosity. Here they could live and follow the
bent of their minds, undisturbed and unobserved if they so wished.
They kept their identity unknown yet the villagers knew from the
Princess' delicate beauty of form and features she belonged to some
noble family and station in life, but her kind, thoughtful bearing
towards them won their love and esteem at once, and equally did they
esteem the Prince for he was ever lavish with his money and
attention to those who appealed to him for assistance. The mountains
soon became their favorite resort. Long walks were taken daily, and
rests made in the quiet nooks on the mountain side. One place
particularly, became a very dear retreat to them, for never did they
stop there but that some inspirations were born. It was here that
Nu-nah took her first lesson from Rathunor; it was in this sacred
spot that Rathunor gently but cautiously revealed to her the
Initiatory Rites of the Temple that had been performed over her
unconscious body. This excited an intense curiosity, if not deep
interest, in Nu-nah's mind. She began to question and think and, as
she thought, there came a vague, glimmering memory of the past, and
when Rathunor would inquire the cause of her almost unconscious
moods, she would raise her hand to silence his voice, and whisper,
"I am dreaming--O, something so grand, so solemn, so sacred haunts
my mind; just wait and it will all come by and by," then her dark
eyes seemed to grow larger and larger and to burn with a
concentrated fire.
The Prince's delight knew no bounds as these expressions led him to
believe they sprang from deep desires and interests, so the time
seemed to shorten for the day to come when their whole time and
attention would be turned to the study of Nature's mysteries and th