y members of the community directly. All such efforts tend to
the welfare of the state. All its members reap benefit from them. He
who does not help and encourage them is as mean as the man who would go
to an hotel and take its entertainment, and then sneak away without
paying the reckoning. Whatever we can do to benefit society benefits
ourselves, and in throwing ourselves heart and soul into any of those
enterprises that benefit society we are discharging in a very special
way the duties of good citizenship.
It only remains to say in a word that our citizenship should be the
outcome of our religion. Without that, citizenship loses its high
position. He who fears God will honor the king, and he who "renders to
God the things that are God's" will "render to Caesar the things that
are Caesar's." He will give "to all their dues: tribute to whom
tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom
honor." Religion thus becomes the strength of the state, and
"righteousness exalteth a nation."
The following is the list of the best hundred books referred to in
Chapter XIII. It is by Professor Blackie, Edinburgh, author of
Self-Culture, and is given with his kind consent.
The Bible.
Wilkinson's Ancient Egyptians.
Max Von Dunche's History of the Ancient World.
Plutarch's Lives.
History of Greece--_Grote_ or _Curtius_.
History of Rome--_Arnold_ or _Mommsen_.
Menzel's History of the Germans.
Green's History of the English People.
Life of Charlemagne.
Life of Pope Hildebrand.
The Crusades.
Sismondi's History of the Italian Republics.
Prescott's America.
Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella.
Italy, by _Professor Spalding_.
Chronicles, by _Froissart_.
The Normans--_Freeman_ and _Thierry_.
Motley's Dutch Republic.
Life of Gustavus Adolphus.
The French Revolution--_Thiers, Carlyle, Alison_.
Bourrienne's Life of Napoleon.
Wellington's Peninsular Campaign.
Southey's Life of Nelson.
The Stuart Rising of 1745, by _Robert Chambers_.
Carlyle's Life of Cromwell.
Foster's Statesmen of the Commonwealth.
Life of Arnold--_Stanley_.
Life of Dr. Norman Macleod.
Life of Baron Bunsen.
Neander's Church History.
Life of Luther.
History of Scottish Covenanters--_Dodds_.
Dean Stanley's Jewish Church.
Milman's Latin Christianity.