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e little wing an' den de oder, like he's sayin'--`Look at dat now'. "But de ladybird ain't a-listenin' to none o' his foolishness. `Yes,' ses she, `you ses dat now. But you wait a bit till de Aasvo'el's King of all you birds, den you'll ha' to sing small enough, Mr Tink Tinky.' "`Ho!' ses Tinky. `So Ole Baldy's bin tellin' you he's gun' to be King o' de birds, is he? But we'll see about dat. Some'dy else may ha' sometin' to say about dat.' "`Well, I never,' ses de ladybird. `If dat ain't yust like your imperence! P'r'aps you 'magines you's gun' to be King yourse'f?' "`Why not?' ses he. `I's as good a man as Ole Baldy any day.' "`You ses you is, an' you has cheek enough to tink you is,' ses de ladybird. `But wait till you comes to try. De one dat flies highest is gun' to be King. I yust heard him settle dat wid Ou' Jackalse. An' now where's you? But p'r'aps you tink you can fly higher dan de Aasvo'el-- you has imperence enough.' "`An' I has gumption enough too,' ses young Tinky. `You yust wait an' see if I ain't.' "`I don't care what you has if you'll only go away out o' dis now,' ses de ladybird. `An' don't you come roun' me any mo' till you's beat Ole Baldy flyin' high.' "`Den I'll be King,' ses Tinky. `Don't you wish I'd come if I was King?' "`No, I don't,' ses she. "`Den I won't,' ses he, an' off he pops. "Well, de day comes for choosin' dis yere King, an' all de birds dey brings Ou' Jackalse into de indaba, an' dey ax him what dey's got to do to find de right one. An' Ole Baldy look so hard at Jackalse dat he wrinkle all his head an' half his neck, an' Ou' Jackalse he smile back 'fore he speak. `Dere's on'y one way o' gettin' at it,' ses Ou' Jackalse. `Birds was made wid wings so dey could get up off de earth. So if dat's what a bird's for, an' if dat's de one ting dat make him a bird, den it stand to reason de one dat can do bird work best is de best bird. If you is to have a King den, why, de best bird should be de best King, or de best King should be de best bird, whichever way you likes it. So now de one dat flies de highest--dat's de one to be King.' "Dere's a lot o' dem birds 'ud like to say a lot o' bad words yust den. But de way Ou' Jackalse lay de business down dey cahnt see yust where to tackle what he said. Dey all has to say, `A' right!' an' dey all ses it, but they don't all tink it. So dere ain't no more said, an' dey all lines up in a row. An dere ain
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