15.432 361
grams kilograms 0.001
grams milligrams 1,000
grams troy ounces 0.032 150 746 6
grams troy pounds 0.002 679 23
hands (height of horse) centimeters 10.16
hands (height of horse) inches 4
hectares acres 2.471 053 8
hectares square feet 107,639.1
hectares square kilometers 0.01
hectares square meters 10,000
hectares square miles 0.003 861 02
hectares square yards 11,959.90
hundredweights, long avoirdupois pounds 112
hundredweights, long kilograms 50.802 345
hundredweights, long long tons 0.05
hundredweights, long metric tons 0.050 802 345
hundredweights, long short tons 0.056
hundredweights, short avoirdupois pounds 100
hundredweights, short kilograms 45.359 237
hundredweights, short long tons 0.044 642 86
hundredweights, short metric tons 0.045 359 237
hundredweights, short short tons 0.05
inches centimeters 2.54
inches feet 0.083 333 33
inches meters 0.025 4
inches millimeters 25.4
inches yards 0.027 777 78
inches, cubic bushels 0.000 465 025
inches, cubic cubic centimeters 16.387 064
inches, cubic cubic feet 0.000 578 703 7
inches, cubic cubic meters 0.000 016 387 064
inches, cubic cubic yards 0.000 021 433 47
inches, cubic dry pints 0.029 761 6
inches, cubic dry quarts 0.014 880 8
inches, cubic gallons 0.004 329 0
inches, cubic gills 0.138 528 1
inches, cubic liquid ounces