Huelsemann, Mr., Austrian Charge, Mr. Webster's correspondence with, 334;
leaves the country in anger, 335.
Ingersoll, C.J., attack on Mr. Webster, 267-270.
Jackson, Andrew, Webster's opposition to as candidate for presidency, 145;
accession to the presidency, 171;
sweeping removals, 172;
begins attack on bank, 208;
vetoes bill for renewal of bank charter, 209;
determined to maintain integrity of Union, 212;
issues his proclamation, 213;
message asking for Force Bill, cannot hold his party, supported by
Webster, 214;
threatens to hang Calhoun, 215;
not sorry for compromise, 219;
alliance with Webster impossible, 221;
removes the deposits, 226;
sends "Protest" to Senate, 228, 229;
struggle with Senate and policy toward France, 230.
Jefferson, Thomas, intends an unlimited embargo, 45;
eulogy on, 125.
Johnson, Judge, adverse at first to Dartmouth college, 87;
converted to support of college, 93.
Kent, James, Chancellor, brought over to support of college, 93.
Kentucky, leaders in, opposed to Webster, 224, 225.
Kossuth, arrival and reception of in United States, 335.
Labouchere, Mr., 152.
Lawrence, Abbot, treatment of by Mr. Webster, 354.
Leroy, Caroline, Miss, second wife of Mr. Webster, 205.
Letcher, Robert P., opinion of Webster, 225.
Liberty party, 262, 287.
Lieber, Dr. Francis, opinion of Webster's oratory, 187.
Lincoln, Levi, elected senator from Massachusetts and declines, 144.
Livingston, Judge, adverse at first to Dartmouth college, 87;
converted to support of college, 93.
Lobes Islands, affair of the, 336.
Lopez, invasion of Cuba, 336.
Madison, James, Federalists refuse to call on, 60;
vetoes Bank Bill, 64;
Mr. Webster's admiration for, 349.
Macgregor, Mr., of Glasgow, Webster's letter to, 266.
Maine, conduct in regard to northeastern boundary, 248, 254, 256.
Marshall, John, sympathy for Dartmouth College, 87;
his political prejudices aroused by Webster, 88;
announces that decision is reserved, 92;
declines to hear Pinkney, 95;
his decision, 96.
Marshfield, Mr. Webster's first visit to, 152;
his affection for, 261;
accident to Mr. Webster at, 343;
Mr. Webster returns to, to die, 344;
Mr. Webster buried at, 345, 346.
Mason, Jeremiah, character and ability, 38;
effect upon, and friendship for Webster, 39;
plain style and effect with juries, 40;
thinks Webster would have made