sserts that, on a given space, the
number of children to a marriage becomes less and less as the population
becomes more and more numerous.
We will begin with the census of France given by Mr Sadler. By joining
the departments together in combinations which suit his purpose, he has
contrived to produce three tables, which he presents as decisive proofs
of his theory.
The first is as follows:--
"The legitimate births are, in those departments where there are to each
Hectares Departments To every 1000 marriages
4 to 5 2 130
3 to 4 3 4372
2 to 3 30 4250
1 to 2 44 4234
.06 to 1 5 4146
.06 1 2657
The two other computations he has given in one table. We subjoin it.
Hect. to each Number of Legit. Births to Legit. Births to
Inhabitant Departments 100 Marriages 100 Mar. (1826)
4 to 5 2 497 397
3 to 4 3 439 389
2 to 3 30 424 379
1 to 2 44 420 375
under 1 5 415 372
and .06 1 263 253
These tables, as we said in our former article, certainly look well
for Mr Sadler's theory. "Do they?" says he. "Assuredly they do; and in
admitting this, the Reviewer has admitted the theory to be proved." We
cannot absolutely agree to this. A theory is not proved, we must tell
Mr Sadler, merely because the evidence in its favour looks well at first
sight. There is an old proverb, very homely in expression, but well
deserving to be had in constant remembrance by all men, engaged either
in action or in speculation--"One story is good till another is told!"
We affirm, then, that the results which these tables present, and which
seem so favourable to Mr Sadler's theory, are produced by packing, and
by packing alone.
In the first place, if we look at the departments singly, the whole is
in disorder. About the department in which Paris is situated there is
no dispute: Mr Malthus distinctly admits that great cities prevent
propagation. There remain eighty-four departments; and of these there
is not, we believe, a single one in the place