_Range._ Nests from northern Michigan and northern
New England northward into Canada and southward in
the mountains to West Virginia; winters in the
Washington, common T.V., Apl. 19-June 2; Sept.
2-Nov. 1. Ossining, tolerably common T.V., May
2-30; Sept. 19-Oct. 22. Cambridge, common T.V.,
May 13-28; Sept. 15-Oct. 5. N. Ohio, common T.V.,
Apl. 22-June 13; Sept. 2-Oct. 24. Glen Ellyn,
common T.V., Apl. 23-June 6; Aug. 16-Oct. 24. SE.
Minn., common T.V., May 1-; Sept. 25-.
We know this Thrush chiefly as a migrant when, in the latter part of
May, and again in September and October, it passes us _en route_ to and
from its northern home. At these seasons we may even hear its whistled
_puit_ from the sky as it journeys through the night. "Its song," Dwight
says, "lacks the leisurely sweetness of the Hermit Thrush's outpourings,
nor is there pause, but in lower key and with greater energy it bubbles
on rapidly to a close rather than fading out with the soft melody of its
renowned rival."
The Olive-back nests in bushes or low trees, and lays 3-4 greenish blue
brown-spotted eggs in June.
_Hylocichla guttata pallasi. Case 4, Fig. 77; Case 5, Fig. 26_
Back midway in color between Figs. 77 and 26; the
tail noticeably brighter, more rusty. L. 7-1/4.
_Range._ Nests from Long Island (locally), the
higher parts of Connecticut, and central Minnesota
northward to Canada, and southward in the
mountains to Maryland; winters from New Jersey and
Ohio Valley to the Gulf States and Cuba.
Washington, very common T.V., sometimes not
uncommon W.V., Apl. 6-May 17; Sept. 18-Nov. 12.
Ossining, common T.V.. Apl. 5-May 9; Oct. 18-Nov.
26. Cambridge, very common T.V., Apl. 15-May 5;
Oct. 5-Nov. 15; occasionally one or two may
winter; one summer record. N. Ohio, common T.V.,
Mch. 21-May 10; Oct. 2-28. Glen Ellyn, common
T.V., Mch. 18-May 11; Sept. 14-Nov. 1. SE. Minn.,
common T.V. Apl. 1-; Sept. 13-Oct. 26.
The Hermit is the only one of the Thrushes to winter in the eastern
United States and it is, therefore, the first one to reach us in the
spring. It comes early in April and takes about a month to complete its
migration. It rarely sings at this s