|Four Canonical Gospels,
| Translation of N.T. | | with corrupt text.
| | |
|Muratorian Fragment | c.170. |Four Gospels as
| | | Canonical.
| | |
Ptolomaeus. |Allusions in | before |Clear references
| Irenaeus, &c., | 178. | to St. Matthew and
| fragments in | | St. John.
| Epiphanius. | |
| | |
Heracleon. |Allusions in | before |Third and fourth
| Irenaeus, &c., | 178. | gospels.
| fragments in Origen.| |
| | |
Melito. |Few slight fragments.| c.176. |Doubtful indirect
| | | allusions to Canon
| | | of N.T.
| | |
Apollinaris. |Two slight fragments.| 176- |Allusion to
| | 180. | discrepancy
| | | between Gospels,
| | | fourth Gospel.
| | |
Athenagoras. |An Apology and tract | c.177. |One fairly clear
| on the Resurrection.| | quotation from
| | | St. Matthew,
| | | perhaps from
| | | St. Mark and
| | | St. John.
| | |
Churches of |An Epistle. | 177. |Clear allusions to
Vienne and | | | St. Luke and St. John,
Lyons. | | | perhaps also to
| | | St. Matthew.
| | |
Celsus. |Fragments in Origen. | c.178. |Somewhat vague traces
| | | of all four Gospels.
| | |
Irenaeus. |Treatise 'Against | c.140- |Four Gospels as
| Heresies.' | 202. | Canonical, with
| | | corrupt text.
| | |
Clement of |Several considerable |fl.185- |Four