found, the truest
descriptions of the psychology of love and the sexual appetite is
undoubtedly Guy de Maupassant. No doubt his last illness caused him to
produce certain more or less regrettable works in which certain
pornographic traits appeared. He may, perhaps, be accused of having
too often described the pathology of love, which, by the way, he
admirably understood. Perhaps also, he has too often dealt with
exceptional situations and irresponsible passions. But these are only
details, and we must admit that by drawing attention to the unhealthy
features of our modern sexual life, he compels the reader to reflect,
and inspires him not only with disgust for evil but with profound
sadness and a feeling of revulsion. He often reveals his predilection
for the refined, hypersensitive love of the boudoir which we have
regarded here as a symptom of social degeneration. But this does not
prevent his clear insight into the love of the proletariat, the
peasant or the healthy man. He knows man as well as woman, and if he
has presented them most often under their least moral aspect it is
because he has observed them closely. But occasionally he rises to the
greatest heights of the truest, purest and most profound love.
Abolitionism, 316
Abortion, artificial, 408, 440
Abstinence, sexual, 114
Accouchement, 60
Adornment, 156
Adultery, 373, 412
Alcohol, effect on embryo, 37, 268, 462
effect on sexual appetite, 88, 100, 266, 332, 503
Altruism and Egoism, 448
Amorous Intoxication, 277, 288
Americanism, 331
Anaesthesia, sexual, 222
Anthropoid apes, 145, 195
Anticonceptional measures, 423, 497
Antipathy, 108
_Antony and Cleopatra_, 289
Ants, 194, 359
Art, moral effect of, 496
in sexual life, 489
of loving long, 520
and pornography, 491
Aspermia, 209
Assaults on minors, 403
Atavism, 29
Attraction, methods of, 156
Audacity, masculine, 115
Bachelors, old, 127
Bartholin's glands, 57
Beauty, 162
_Becket_, 352
Bees, 194
_Bernheim_, 277
Bestiality, 255
_Bezzola_, 268
Birth, 23
Blastophthoria, 36, 268
Braggardism, sexual, 120
Brain, weight of, 66, 190
_Brieux_, 407, 438
Brothels, 303
clandestine, 307
high class, 310
Budding, 9
Bullies, 303
Butterflies, 74
_Caelius Aurelianus_, 399
_Caligula_, 353
Castration, 25
_Catherine de Medici_, 353
Catholicism, Roman, 341
Cell division,