stricts a virgins life, and who but knowes,
that loue and chastitie, were euer foes.
And if ere loue assaile those virgins forts,
those Iuory bulwarkes that defend your heart:
Though he be king of sportes he neuer sports,
when as he wounds, but playes the Tirants part
And so much more he wil tri[=u]ph oure thee,
by how much thou contents his deitie:
I know you to be chaste, but yet faire Mayd,
if ere you loue youle finde what I haue sayd.
Sir (quoth she) when I loue you shall be mine:
but know the time, when you shall claime me your's
When as the fire extinct as _Vestaes_ shrine:
and _Venus_ leaues to haunt the _Papheon_ bowres,
When men are perfect friendes Tigers at peace,
Discord in heauen, and powers diuine doe cease,
when Fortune sleeps & the north star doth moue
wh[=e] Turtles leaue to mourne their mates, ile loue.
Ere this was ended, _Orpheus_ song was done,
And all the Virgins fell into their rankes,
Each tooke their leaue of him, so did the sunne,
who now was poasting to the westerne banckes
and the wild beasts, who he had made more tame,
seem'd to depart with reuerence at his name.
Each one gaue place to _Mirrha_ as their duetie,
She being preferr'd in state, first as in beautie.
Now Cupid of her his last leaue doth take,
so haue I seene a soule and body part:
He begs a chaste kisse for her mothers sake,
and vowes she shall be soueraigne of his heart.
But whether he disembling did it, or twa's fate,
(As extream'st loue, turnes to the direst hate)
Being repulst, but this kisse did inspire,
her brest with an infernall and vnnam'd desire.
Night like a masque was entred heauens greate hall
with thousand torches vshering the way:
The complements of parting were done all,
& homewards _Orpheus_ chaunteth many a lay;
_Venus_ had sent her coach, drawn by a Doue,
For little _Cupid_ the great God of loue.
& this hath sprung (as men haue sayen of yore)
For _Mirrhas_ sake he vow'd to loue no more.
Blacke as my inck now must my verse commence
You blushing girles, and parents siluer-gray:
As farre as Trace from vs, so farre from hence
goe, that you may not heare me say,
A daughter did with an adulterous head,
And heauie lust, presse downe her fathers bed,
such Songs as these more fit the Tartars cares,
had Orpheus sung it, beasts had pour'd out teares.