1. The BURGHER Forces in the Field will forthwith lay down their Arms,
handing over all Guns, Rifles, and Munitions of War in their
possession or under their control, and desist from any further
resistance to the Authority of His MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., whom they
recognise as their lawful SOVEREIGN.
The manner and details of this surrender will be arranged between
Lord Kitchener and Commandant General Botha, Assistant Commandant-General
de la Rey, and Chief Commandant de Wet.
2. BURGHERS in the Field outside the limits of the TRANSVAAL or ORANGE
RIVER COLONY, on surrendering, will be brought back to their homes.
3. All Prisoners of War, at present outside of South Africa, who are
Burghers, will, on their declaring their acceptance of the position of
Subjects of His MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., be brought back to the
places where they were domiciled before the War.
4. The BURGHERS so surrendering or returning will not be deprived of
their personal liberty or their property.
5. No Proceedings, CIVIL or CRIMINAL, will be taken against any of the
BURGHERS so surrendering or returning for any Acts in connection with
the prosecution of the War.
6. The DUTCH language will be taught in public schools in the
TRANSVAAL and the ORANGE RIVER COLONY where the Parents of the
Children desire it, and will be allowed in COURTS of LAW when
necessary for the better and more effectual Administration of Justice.
7. The Possession of RIFLES will be allowed in the TRANSVAAL and
ORANGE RIVER COLONY to persons requiring them for their Protection, on
taking out a licence according to Law.
will at the earliest possible date be succeeded by CIVIL GOVERNMENT,
and, as soon as circumstances permit, Representative Institutions,
leading up to Self-Government, will be introduced.
9. The question of granting the Franchise to natives will not be
decided until after the Introduction of Self-Government.
10. No Special Tax will be imposed on Landed Property in the TRANSVAAL
and ORANGE RIVER COLONY to defray the Expenses of the War.
11. A JUDICIAL COMMISSION will be appointed to which Government Notes
issued under Law No. 1 of 1900 of the SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC may be
presented within six months.
All such notes as are found to have been duly issued in the terms of
that law, and for which the persons presenting them have given
valuable consid