spondence to the, ii. 97, n. 1;
_Spectator_, effect of reading a, iv. 32;
Thrales, projected tour to Italy with the, iii. 19, 27, n. 3,97, n. 1;
accompanies them to Bath, iii. 6;
hopes for an annuity from them, iii. 96, n. 1;
money payments from them, ib., 97;
quarrels with them, iii. 96;
apparent reconciliation, ib., n. 1;
Thrale's, Mr., grief for his son's death, describes, iii. 18;
his appetite, iii. 423, n. 1;
Thrale, Mrs., flatters, iii. 49, n. 1;
mentions her echo of Johnson's 'beastly kind of wit,' ii. 349, n. 5;
_Tolondron_, iv. 370, n. 5;
_Travels through Spain_, i. 382, n. 2;
tried for murder, ii. 94, 96-8;
consultation for the defence, iv. 324;
Williams, Mrs., describes, ii. 99, n. 2;
mentioned, i. 260, 274, 278, 336.
BARKER'S Bible, v. 444.
BARNARD, Rev. Dr., Dean of Derry, afterwards Bishop of Killaloe, arbitrary
power, in favour of, iii. 84, n. 1;
Johnson's charade on him, iv. 195;
double-edged wit, ii. 307;
draws up a Round-Robin to, iii. 84;
and Garrick coming up to London, i. 101, n. 1;
regard for him, iv. 115;
writes verses on, iv. 115, n. 4, 431-3;
kept his countenance, iv. 99;
Literary Club, member of the, i. 479;
presents it with a hogshead of claret, iii. 238;
Twalmley and Virgil, iv. 193;
Wilkes, sarcasm on, iv. 107, n. 2.
BARNARD, Dr. (Provost of Eton), account of him, iii. 426, n. 1;
Johnson at Mr. Vesey's, meets, iii. 425-6, ib., n. 4;
breeding, does justice to, iii. 54, n. 1;
mentioned, i. 449, n. 2.
BARNARD, Francis, King's librarian, ii. 33, 40;
Johnson's letter to him, 33. n. 4.
BARNARD, Sir John, i. 503.
BARNES, Joshua, attacked by Baxter, W., v. 376;
dedication to the Duke of Marlborough, v. 376, n. 3;
Greek, knowledge of, iv. 19;
Homer and Solomon identified, iv. 19, n. 2;
Maccaronic verses, iii. 284.
BARNET, iii. 4; v. 428.
BARNEWALL, Nicholas, iii. 227, n. 3.
BARNSTON, Miss Letitia, iii. 413, n. 3.
BARON, 'the Baron and the Barrister united,' iii. 16, n. 1.
BARONET, story of a, v. 353.
BARONETS, _regular_, v. 322, n. 1.
BARRET, William, the Bristol surgeon, iii. 50.
BARRETIER, Philip, education, his, ii. 407, n. 5;
Johnson, resemblance to, i. 71, n. 1;
_Life_, by Johnson, i. 148, 149, n. 3;
_Additions to the Life_, i. 153; republished, i. 161.
BARRINGTON, Hon. Daines, _Essay on the Migration of Birds_, ii. 248;
Essex Head Club, member of the, iv. 254, 436;