and ten acres and three roods, lying
in the fforest aforesaid, late in the occupation of Robert Pearke, of the
yearly value of IIS and VID, &c. &c. &c.
"The names of the officers belonging to his Mties fforrest of Deane in
Com' Glouc., viz., the Earle of Pembrooke is now High Cunstable of the
same fforest. William Winter and Roger Myners, Esqrs, or one of them, is
deputie Cunstable to the said Earle, & they keepe Courtes every 3 weeks
at St Breuilles, and allso every 6 weekes at the Speach House, or Court
of Attachment wthin the same fforrest. William Carpenter is Steward of
St Breuills Courtes & the said Speach Court or Attachementes courtes.
Robert Bridgeman is Bailiff for all the said Courtes, and allso in all
the liberties in the said fforrest, and James Yennys is his deputie
Bayliff. Md every tenantes & the borderers doe take tymber for their
buildings as allso hedge woods to inclose their own groundes, & take
fyring at their pleasure wthin the fforrest, & sell their owne woodes and
the woodes of the landes wthin mentioned, to the great spoile of the
Kinge's woodes wthin the said fforrest."
No. II.
One of the Dean Forest Claims, put in at the Justice Seat, held in
Gloucester Castle, 10 Chas. I.
Clamea posita in Itinere Forestae de Deane tento apud Castrum Glouc. in
com. Glouc. die Iovis decimo die Iulij anno Regni Domini Caroli nunc
Regis Angliae decimo coram Henrico Comite de Holland praenobilis Ordinis
Garterii Milite Capitali Justitiario ac Justitiariis Itinerantibus omnium
Forestarum Chacearum parcorum et warrennarum Domini Regis citra Trentam.
(18) Foresta de Deane in Comitatu Glouc.Et modo ad hanc curiam venit
Willielmus Skynne, per Edwardum Offley attornatum suum, et dicit quod
ipse est seisitus de antiquo mesuagio in Plattwell in parochia de Newland
et de viginti acris terrae prati et pasturae et de diversis horreis
stabulis, Anglice barnes Stables, et aliis necessariis edificiis super
terram praedictam ab antiquo edificatis in parochia de Newland infra
Forestam de Deane praedictam in dominico suo ut de feodo, et pro se et
haeredibus suis clamat has libertates privilegia et franchesias sequentia
tanquam ad mesuagium terram pratum et pasturam et caetera edificia
praedicta pertinentia et spectantia, videlicet pro necessaria
reedificatione et reparatione dicti mesuagii sui et aliorum antiquorum
edificiorum suorum super terram et tenementa sua praedicta existentium,
quod ipse per visum et allo