of the poet's family, all of whom were indebted
to charity for a last resting place.
His father, David Poe, died in Norfolk in the summer of 1811. His grave
is unknown.
His mother was buried by charity in Richmond, December 9, 1811.
His wife was indebted for a grave near Fordham, in New York, to
charitable contributions of friends.
His sister, Rosalie Mackenzie Poe, died July 14, 1874, and was given a
pauper's grave in the cemetery of the Epiphany Church Home, in
Mrs. Clemm, his mother-in-law, died an inmate of the Church Home
Infirmary, Baltimore, and was buried by the charity of friends in
Westminster churchyard of that city in 1871.
Poe himself, whose last days were passed in a charitable institute, was
indebted to relatives for a grave.
Truly a record unparalleled in the annals of Literary History.
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