he water! And the pool covered with duck-weed!
So that's how you searched!--Did you look all through the duck-weed, did
you fish it out of the pond, to see if the pearls were hidden in it?
INGOLF. No, I didn't do that.
STEINDOR. No, it may be possible--
HADDA PADDA. Yes, it is possible, to be sure. Hundreds of women might
have lost their pearls down there, without your having found them.
STEINDOR. No, I think you are the only one...
HADDA PADDA [turns quickly toward Ingolf]. What do you think mother will
say when she hears that I have lost the heirloom?--[Resolutely.] Men
never can find anything, men do not understand how to search. [Tears the
rope from Steindor.] I had better go down myself.
INGOLF. You don't really intend to go down?
HADDA PADDA [ties one end around her waist]. I intend to do what I can
to find my lost treasure again. STEINDOR. You will not go far, I think,
before you ask us to pull you up.
HADDA PADDA. I have been lowered into this gorge before.
INGOLF [takes the loose end]. I forbid you to go down, Hrafnhild.
HADDA PADDA. You forbid me?... I forbid you to touch this rope. Or,
shall we see who is stronger? [pulls the rope.]
INGOLF [coming nearer to her, he lets the rope slip] I know what you are
thinking, Hrafnhild. You want us to go down again, and you know this is
the only way you can get us to do it.
HADDA PADDA. Do you think I am afraid to go down? It would only give
me joy. And if you didn't find the pearls, when you looked for them the
second time, I would go down, anyhow. I would never be at rest until
I had searched myself. (Ingolf lets go of the rope, takes Steindor
aside--he nods. They both look at Hrafnhild while she fastens the rope
around her waist more securely.)
INGOLF. What are you going to do now?
HADDA PADDA (having finished tying the knot, holds the rope out to
them). Will you hold the rope while I go down?
INGOLF. No, I won't.
STEINDOR. I won't either.
HADDA PADDA (bites her lips, stares at the men). Go on home! (Starts to
wind up the rope.) I don't need you. You think I can't do without you?
You think the mountain hasn't stones heavy enough to keep me up? (Runs
away, and disappears toward the mountain.)
INGOLF. I don't remember exactly--it's quite impossible to enter the
gorge from below, isn't it?
STEINDOR. So far, only the birds have that privilege. It's a headlong
precipice on three sides!
INGOLF. I won't let Hrafnhild go down.