nce I am determined to maintain by all the means in my
power." The Address in answer assured his Majesty that his
confidence should not be disappointed, and that "we shall be ready
to entrust to H.M. such additional measures, etc., for preserving
and strengthening the legislative union which we have determined,"
etc. This was the address that Mr. O'Connell denounced as a "bloody
and brutal address," and he moved as an amendment that the House do
resolve itself into a committee of the whole House to consider of an
humble address to his Majesty. Feb. 8. Amendment negatived, Ayes
being 428, Noes 40.--_Memo._ by Sir T. E. May for Mr. Gladstone, Jan.
18, 1886. O'Connell, that is to say, did not move an amendment in
favour of repeal, but proposed the consideration of the Address in
committee of the whole House.
_ 176 Hans._ 302, p. 128.
177 Lord Carnarvon left Ireland on Jan. 28, and Lord Justices were then
appointed. But the lawyers seem to hold that there cannot be Lord
Justices without a viceroy, and Lord Carnarvon was therefore
technically viceroy out of the kingdom (of Ireland), until Lord
Aberdeen was sworn in upon Feb. 10, 1886. He must, accordingly, have
signed the minute appointing Mr. Smith chief secretary, though of
course Mr. Smith had gone over to reverse the Carnarvon policy.
_ 178 Hans._ 302, p. 112.
M105 Coercion Bill Announced
179 Mr. Gladstone was often taunted with having got in upon the question
of allotments, and then throwing the agricultural labourer
overboard. "The proposition," he said, "is not only untrue but
ridiculous. If true, it would prove that Lord Grey in 1830 came in
upon the pension list, and Lord Derby in 1852 on the militia.... For
myself, I may say personally that I made my public declaration on
behalf of allotments in 1832, when Mr. Jesse Collings was just
born."--To Mr. C. A. Fyffe, May 6, 1890.
_ 180 Diary._
M106 Again Prime Minister
181 "When the matter was finally adjusted by Chamberlain's retirement,
we had against us--Derby, Northbrook, Carlingford, Selborne, Dodson,
Chamberlain, Hartington, Trevelyan, Bright; and for--Granville,
Spencer, Kimberley, Ripon, Rosebery, Harcourt, Childers, Lefevre,
Dilke (unavailable)." Mr. Goschen was not in the cabinet of 1880.
182 A few weeks late