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et to and fro, decreasing by 1 stitch in each row, until you have only 2 stitches left = along the leaf: 10 plain and repeat 3 times from * = 7 plain on the next 7 chain, 6 plain on the 5 chain, 7 plain on the 7 chain. The corner scallop has 7 points = the 12 first stitches must be divided as follows: * 1st point: 12 plain in the first interval = 2nd point: 10 plain in the 2nd interval and 2 plain in the 3rd interval = 3rd point: 7 plain in the 3rd interval and 5 plain in the 4th **. Repeat once from ** to *. 6th row--* 1 plain in the 1st leaf, 5 chain, 1 crossed quadruple treble, the branches of which are joined by 5 chain; repeat twice from * = 1 plain, 4 chain, 1 plain in the 1st leaf of the next scallop = 5 chain, 1 crossed quadruple treble, the branches of which are joined by 5 chain and joined to the 6th stitch of the 2 next points = 5 chain and so on. 7th row--6 plain on the first 5 chain of the 6th row, 6 plain on the next chain = 8 chain; carry the chain back to the right, and join it on, between the 6th and 7th plain = 4 plain on the 8 chain, then 8 chain, take it back, and join to the 1st plain = 12 plain on the 8 chain = continue on the small scallop: 3 plain, 1 picot, 8 plain = on the other 5 chain: 6 plain = 8 chain, join them again to the 4th of the 8 plain on the scallop = on the last 8 chain: 3 plain, 1 picot, 8 plain = on the 2 next bars of 5 chain: 12 plain = 8 chain, join them to the 7th of the last 12 plain = on the 8 chain: 5 plain = 8 chain, join them to the 1st of the last 12 plain = on the 8 chain: 5 plain, 3 chain, join them to the 4th plain of the 3rd finished scallop = over the 3 chain: 2 plain, 1 picot, 2 plain = on the next scallop: 3 plain, 1 picot, 3 plain = in the half finished scallop: 6 plain = 8 chain, take it back and join it to the 1st of the last 6 plain = on the 8 chain: 5 plain, 1 picot, 3 plain, 1 picot, 5 plain to finish the scallop below: 5 plain = on the 6th row: 6 plain, 8 chain, join them to the first of the last 5 plain of the last scallop = on the 8 chain: 3 plain, 1 picot, 8 plain. The little scallops must be carried on round the corner point, as they were on the 3rd, 4th and 5th trebles of the other points. LACE WITH CORNER, FORMED BY DECREASING ON THE INSIDE (fig. 473).--For the stars--8 chain, close the ring; 3 chain, 15 trebles in the ring; close = 3 chain, miss 1 treble of the last row, 1 treble, 5 chain, 1 treble on the upper part of the last treble = alte
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