neration of the Heart, Fatty, 551
Degeneration of the Kidneys, 832
Deglutition, 233
Desquamative Nephritis, 833
Development of the Individual, 192
Diabetes, 835
Diagnosis, 390
Diagnostic Symptoms, 390
Diaphoretics, 332
Diaphragm, 32
Diarrhea, 502, 555
Diarrhea, Chronic, 568
Diathesis, 391
Diathesis, Scrofulous, 445
Diathesis, Strumous, 445
Diet, 380
Digestibility of Food, 248
Digestion, 37
Digestive Organs, 37
Digitalis Purpurea, 387
Dilatation of the Heart, 551
Diluents, 335
Dioecious Reproduction, 202
Dioscorea Villosa, 320
Dioscorein, 320
Diptheria, 414
Discovery, Golden Medical, 308, 316, 355
Disease, Bright's, 830
Disease, Dust and, 229
Disease, Hip-joint, 450
Disease, Remedies for, 298
Disease of the Throat, 476
Diseases and their Remedial Treatment, 386
Diseases of the Heart, 547
Diseases of the Kidneys, 829
Disease of the Larynx, 476
Diseases of the Liver, 559, 569
Diseases of the Skin, 430
Diseases of the Stomach, 430
Diseases of the Urinary Organs, 823
Diseases of Women, 684
Disinfectants, 317
Dislocations, 892
Displacements of the Womb, 713
Distilled Liquors, 264
Diuretics, 336
Dock, Yellow, 304
Dog-button, 350
Dogwood, 351
Domestic Management of Fevers, 403
Door of Life, the, 681
Dose, 300
Double Conception, 215
Douche Bath, 365
Douche, Dr. Pierce's Nasal, 486
Dover's Powder, 311
Drastics, 326
Dropsies, 422
Dropsy of the Scrotum, 821
Drowning, 893
Ducts, Lactiferous, 82
Duodenum, 40
Dura Mater, 90
Duration of Pregnancy, 219
Dust and Disease, 229
Dwellings, Ventilation of, 226
Dynamometer, 391
Dysentery, 588
Dysmenorrhea, 692
Dyspepsia, 565
Dyspnoea, 502
Ear, Catarrh of the, 477
Eating, 233
Eclectic School of Medicine, 294
Eczema, 430
Eczema, Infantile, 430
Eczematous Affections, 430
Efferent Nerves, 87, 98
Effusion, 400
Electricity in Nervous Affections, 629
Elixir of Vitriol, 310
Elongation of the Uvula, 419, 495
Emergencies, 889
Emetics, 339
Emetic-weed, 340
Emissions, Involuntary Seminal, 773
Emissions, Nocturnal 773
Emmenagogues 341
Emotive Faculties 126
Encephalic Temperament 177