nvidia, Gelosia, Pensiero e Scorno
Meco nel cieco Inferno
Ove l' aspro martir mio viva eterno.
The sixth and last interlude was all joyous, for the reason that, the
comedy being finished, there was seen to issue in an instant from the
floor of the stage a verdant mound all adorned with laurels and
different flowers, which, having on the summit the winged horse Pegasus,
was soon recognized to be the Mount of Helicon, from which were seen
descending one by one that most pleasing company of little Cupids
already described, and with them Zephyr, Music, and Cupid, all joining
hands, and Psyche also, all joyful and merry now that she was safe
returned from Hell, and that by the prayers of her husband Cupid, at the
intercession of Jove, after such mighty wrath in Venus, there had been
won for her grace and pardon. With these were Pan and nine other Satyrs,
with various pastoral instruments in their hands, under which other
musical instruments were concealed; and all descending from the mound
described above, they were seen bringing with them Hymen, God of
nuptials, in whose praise they sang and played, as in the following
canzonets, and performed in the second a novel, most merry and most
graceful dance, giving a gracious conclusion to the festival:
Dal bel monte Elicona
Ecco Imeneo che scende,
E gia la face accende, e s' incorona;
Di persa s' incorona.
Odorata e soave,
Onde il mondo ogni grave cura scaccia.
Dunque e tu, Psiche, scaccia
L' aspra tua fera doglia,
E sol gioia s' accoglia entro al tuo seno.
Amor dentro al suo seno
Pur lieto albergo datti,
E con mille dolci atti ti consola.
Ne men Giove consola
Il tuo passato pianto,
Ma con riso e con canto al Ciel ti chiede.
Imeneo dunque ognun chiede,
Imeneo vago ed adorno,
Deh che lieto e chiaro giorno,
Imeneo, teco oggi riede!
Imeneo, per l' alma e diva
Sua Giovanna ogn' or si sente
Del gran Ren ciascuna riva
Risonar soavemente;
E non men l' Arno lucente
Pel gratioso, inclito e pio
Suo Francesco aver desio
D' Imeneo lodar si vede.
Imeneo ecc.
Flora lieta, Arno beato,
Arno umil, Flora cortese,
Deh qual piu felice stato
Mai si vide, mai s' intese?
Fortunato almo paese,
Terra in Ciel gradita e cara,
A cui coppia cosi rara
Imeneo benigno