fection, and in the
average case there exists little evidence of local pain. The salient
points in recognizing the condition are a consideration of history if
obtainable; age of the subject; finding slight local soreness, by
carefully manipulating the muscles which are usually involved; noting
the character of the lameness if any is present; and where atrophy is
evident, of course, the true condition is obvious.
Treatment.--Subcutaneous injections of equal parts of refined oil of
turpentine and alcohol, with a suitable hypodermic syringe, is a
practical and ordinarily effective treatment. From five to fifteen cubic
centimeters (the quantity varies with the size of the animal), of this
mixture is injected into the atrophied parts at different points, taking
care to introduce only about one to two cubic centimeters at each point
of injection. The syringe should be sterile and, needless to say, the
site of injections must be surgically clean.
Other agents, such as tincture of iodin, solutions of silver nitrate,
saline solutions and various more or less irritating preparations have
been employed; but in the use of these preparations one may either fail
to stimulate sufficient inflammation to cause regeneration to take
place, or infection is apt to occur. Where suppuration results, surgical
evacuation of pus must be promptly effected else large suppurating
cavities form.
The employment of setons constitutes a dependable method of treatment of
shoulder atrophy, but because of the attendant suppurative process which
inevitably results, this method is not popular with modern surgeons and
is a last resort procedure.
After-care.--Regular exercise such as the horse usually takes when at
pasture, is very helpful in treating atrophy, and in some cases it has
been found that no reasonable amount of irritation would stimulate
muscular regeneration; but by later allowing patients to exercise at
will, recovery took place in a satisfactory manner. No special attention
is ordinarily necessary.
Paralysis of the Suprascapular Nerve.
Anatomy.--The suprascapular (anterior scapular) nerve, a small branch
of the brachial plexus, is given off from the anterior portion of this
plexus. The nerve rounds the anterior border of the neck of the scapula,
passing upward and backward under the supraspinatus (antea-spinatus)
muscle and terminating in the infraspinatus (postea-spinatus) muscle.
Etiology and Occurrence.--As the result of di