o was accustomed to come to Oblong
Meeting in the course of the year. With him Mr. Akin had many
conversations on matters of duty and worship.
"He began also to attend the Oblong Meeting in the summer, though the
Sunday meetings were not at that time largely attended.
"Later when his residence was at Fifty-sixth Street he became the fast
friend and devoted admirer of Dr. John Hall, who used often to call upon
him. For years Mr. Akin was carried into Dr. Hall's Church; but after
Dr. Hall died, and even before, he had ceased from that custom.
"The growth of the church on Quaker Hill, under the leadership of Mr.
and Mrs. William B. Wheeler and Miss Margaret B. Monahan took strong
hold on Mr. Akin's heart, and exerted over no one a more vital influence
than on this old man."--Albert J. Akin--A Tribute, by Rev. Warren H.
Wilson, Quaker Hill Conference, 1903.
[40] David Irish--A Memoir, by Mrs. Phoebe T. Wanzer, Quaker
Hill Conference, 1902.
[41] Richard Osborn--A Reminiscence, by Margaret B. Monahan,
Quaker Hill Conference, 1902.
Part IV.
Appendices: Original Family and Church Records.
A List of the Heads of Families in the Verge of our Monthly Meeting held
on the Oblong and in the Nine-Partners Circularly taken in the 3 mo.
1760. (This date should be 1761. The Monthly Meeting directed the list
to be made 4, 16, 1761.[42])
1st At New Milford
Dobson Wheeler and his Wife
Aaron Benedick and his Wife
Joseph Ferriss
Gaius Talcott
James McKenney
Lydia Norton
Anna Philips
2d At Oblong
John Bull and his Wife
Wing Kelley and his Wife
Oliver Tyron and his Wife
John Wing and his Wife
John Hoag ye 2d and Wife
Benjam Hoag and his Wife
Abner Hoag and Wife
Philip Allen and Wife
Moses Hoag and Wife
George Soule and Wife
Wm. Russell and Wife
David Hoag and Wife
Ebenezer Peaslee and Wife
Nehemiah Merritt and Wife
Nehemiah Merritt Junr. and Wife
Elijah Doty and Wife
Henry Chase and Wife
Abraham Chase and Wife
Benjam Ferriss and Wife
Timothy Dakin and Wife
Elisha Akin's Children
Reed Ferriss and Wife
Zebulon Ferriss and Wife
John Hoag, Senr. and Wife
John Hoag, Junr. and Wife
Jedidiah Wing and Wife
Josiah Akin and Wife
Stephen Hoag and Wife
James Hunt and Wife
Prince Howland and Wife
Isaac Haviland and Wife
Nathn. Birdsall and Wife
Nathn. Birdsall, Junr. and Wife
Daniel Chase and Wife
Edward Wing and Wife