what seems _best_ and
_laudable_; as if _God_ himself had plac'd thee there; and _remember_,
that so long as thou _remain'st_ in that _State_ and _Resolution_, thy
_Reproachers_ will in time _admire_ thee: But if once through
_Inconstancy_ thou _give out_ & _flinch_, +diploun proslepse
katagelota+, Thou _deservest_ to be doubly _laugh'd_ at.
Lord _Verulam_, Instaur. Scient.
Some Men (like _Lucian_ in _Religion_) seek by their _Wit_, to
_traduce_ and _expose useful things_; because to arrive at them, they
converse with _mean Experiments_: But those who _despise_ to be
_employ'd_ in _ordinary_ and _common matters_, never arrive to _solid
Perfection_ in _Experimental Knowledge_.
* * * * *
The changes and _Alterations_ in the several _Chapters_ and Parts
throughout this _Discourse_, with the _Additions_ and _Improvements_,
have often oblig'd me to alter the _Method_, and indeed to make it
almost a _New Work_.
_J. Evelyn._
{lxxviii:1} See _Petrarch de Remed. utriusque fortunae L. 1. Dial. 57_.
{lxxix:1} _Vide & Curtium_, l. 7. &c.
{lxxx:1} _De R. R._
{lxxx:2} _In agris erant tunc Senatores._ Cic. _de_ Senect.
{lxxx:3} _Silvae sunt Consule dignae. See this of the _Poet_
Interpreted, _Scaliger l. 2. c. 1._ Poet. _P. Nennius, Sueton. Jul._ in
Lipsium. _Tacit, iv. Annal. 27._ concerning the _Quaestor's_ Office._
{lxxxii:1} _Palissy, le Moyen de devenir Riche._
{lxxxiii:1} _Praefat ad P. Silvinum_; which I earnestly recommend to the
serious perusal of our _Gentry_. _Et mihi ad sapientis vitam proxime
videtur accedere._ Cic. _de Senectute_.
{lxxxv:1} _Ne silvae quidem, horridiorque naturae facies medicinis
carent, sacra illa parente rerum omnium, nusquam non remedia disponente
homini ut Medicina, fieret etiam solitudo ipsa, &c. Hinc nata Medicina,
&c. Haec sola naturae placuerat esse remedia parata vulgo, inventu
facilia, ac sine impendio, ex quibus vivimus_, &c. Plin. l. 24. c. 1.
{lxxxvii:1} Consult _Hist. Roy. Soc._ and their _Registers_.
The Laws of _Motion_, and the Geometrical streightning of _Curve Lines_
were first found out by Sir _Christopher Wren_ and Mr. _Thomas Neile_.
The _equated isocrone Motion_ of the weight of a _Circular Pendulum_ in
a _Paraboloid_, for the regulating of _Clocks_; and the improving
_Pocket-Watches_ by _Springs_ applied to the _Ballance_, were first
invented and demonstrated to this Society by Dr. _Hooke_; toget