A'NDEUR, _s._ splendour of appearance; magnificence
GRANGE, _s._ a farm
GRATIFICA'TION, _s._ pleasure; something gratifying
GRA'TITUDE, _s._ duty to benefactors; desire to return benefits
GRA'VITY, _s._ weight; tendency to the centre; seriousness; solemnity
GROTE'SQUE, _a._ distorted of figure; unnatural
GUARD, _s._ part of the hilt of a sword; a man or body of men whose
business is to watch
GUIDE, _s._ director; regulator
HABITATION, _s._ place of abode; dwelling
HABI'TUALLY, _ad._ customarily; by habit
HA'GGARD, _a._ deformed; ugly
HARA'NGUE, _v.n._ make a speech
HA'RMONIZE, _v.a._ to adjust in fit proportion
HARPO'ON, _s._ a bearded dart, with a line fastened to the handle, with
which whales are struck and caught
HA'ZARDOUS, _a._ perilous, dangerous
HE'AVY, _a._ weighty; burdened; depressed
HE'RALDRY, _s._ the art or office of a herald; registers of genealogies
HE'RBAGE, _s._ grass; pasture; herbs collectively
HERBI'VOROUS, _a._ that eats herbs
HERE'DITARY, _a._ possessed or claimed by right of inheritance;
descending by inheritance
HE'RETIC, _s._ one who propagates his private opinions in opposition to
the Catholic Church
HE'YDAY, _s._ frolic; wildness
HI'DEOUS, _a._ frightful; ugly
HIPPOPO'TAMUS, _s._ a large animal--the river horse
HISTO'RIAN, _s._ a writer of facts and events
HISTO'RICAL, _a._ that which relates to history
HI'STORY, _s._ narration; the knowledge of facts and events
HO'LLOW, _a._ excavated; not solid; not sound
HO'NEY, _s._ a sweet substance produced by bees
HO'NOUR, _s._ dignity; fame; reputation; glory
HO'RIZON, _s._ the line that terminates the view
HO'SPITABLE, _a._ giving entertainment to strangers; kind to strangers
HO'TTENTO'T, _s._ a native of the south of Africa
HOWE'VER, _ad._ in whatsoever manner; at all events; happen what will;
HOWI'TZER, _s._ a kind of bomb
HU'MAN, _a._ having the qualities of a man; belonging to man
HUMA'NITY, _s._ the nature of man; benevolence
HU'MBLE, _a._ not proud; modest; low
HU'MID, _a._ wet; moist; watery
HUMI'LITY, _s._ freedom from pride; modesty
HU'NDRED, _s._ a company or body consisting of a hundred.
HU'RRICANE, _s._ a blast; a tempest
HYDRAU'LIC, _a._ relating to the conveyance of water through pipes
HY'DROGEN, _s._ a gas, one of the component parts of the atmosphere
I'CEBERG, _s._ a hill of ice; a moving island of ice