dow ope; look out.
_Cymbeline_, Act v, sc. 4, l. 81.
"Tragedies", p. 394, col. A, line 12.
The following table is arranged according to the frequency of precious
stone mentions.
The plays rank as follows:
First[31] Probably
Published Written
1623. 1609. _Cymbeline_ 10
(diamond 7, ruby 1,
carbuncle 1,
rock-crystal 1).
1598. 1591. _Love's Labour's 8
Lost_ (pearl 3,
rock-crystal 2,
diamond 1, amber 1
agate 1).
1600. 1597. _Merry Wives Of 5
of (pearl 1, diamond 2,
Windsor_ emerald 1,
sapphire 1).
1623. 1591. _Comedy of 5
Errors_ (diamond 2, ruby 1,
sapphire 1,
carbuncle 1).
1600. 1595. _Midsummer 5
Night's Dream_ (pearl 3, ruby 1,
rock-crystal 1).
1623. 1596. _Taming of the 5
Shrew_ (pearl 3, amber 1,
coral 1).
1623. 1591. _Two Gentlemen of 4
Verona_ (pearl 3,
rock-crystal 1).
1594. 1593. _Titus 3
Andronicus_ (pearl 2, jet 1).
1603. 1602. _Hamlet_ 3
(pearl, amber,
1623. 1606. _Macbeth_ 3
(diamond, ruby,