Mandrake, 153, 226.
Manuring, 352.
Maple, 288.
Marathon, 89.
Margaret, St., 364.
Marigold, 155.
Marjoram, 159.
Marlowe, 118.
Marsh, J. F., 27, 89.
Marvel, A., 190.
Marybuds, 155.
Masters, Dr., 216.
Masts, 159.
Maw, G., 273.
Medlar, 160.
Melittis melissophyllum, 29.
Miller, 34, 191.
Milner's "Country Pleasures," 82.
Milton's Flowers, 65, 74, 83, 87, 109, 126, 133, 174, 197, 224,
230, 241, 261, 295, 347, 309, 369.
Mint, 161.
Mistletoe, 162.
Mohammed on Garlick, 102.
Monk's-hood, 10.
Montgomery, A., 143.
More, Sir T., 257.
Morat, 167.
Moss, 164.
Mulberries, 166.
Mushrooms, 169.
Musk Roses, 252.
Mustard, 172.
Myrtle, 174.
Names of Plants, 393.
Narcissus, 73, 175.
Nash, T., 195.
Neckam, A., 12, 79.
Neckweed, 122.
Nettles, 175.
---- of India, 178.
Newton, Thos., 78, 264, 321, 330.
Nicholson, Dr., 119.
Nightshades, 225.
Nut, 114.
Nutmeg, 179.
Oak, 180.
Oats, 183.
Oil from Walnuts, 316.
Olive, 184.
Onions, 187.
Opium, 223.
Orange, 188.
Orchids, 149.
Oreodaphne Californica, 32.
Osier, 192, 320.
Ovid, 15.
Oxlip, 66, 192.
Paigle, 66.
Palladius, 73, 140, 261, 303, 343.
Palm, 79, 192, 321, 329.
Pansies, 196, 309.
Parkinson--quoted throughout.
Parsley, 197.
Parsnip, 50.
Pasque flower, 17.
Patience (Docks), 81.
Pawnce, 196.
Peach, 161, 198.
Pear, 199.
Peas, 201.
Pensioners, 65.
Pepper, 203.
Pepys, 177.
Phillips, 34, 316.
Picotee, 48.
Pignuts, 205.
Pine, 205.
Pine Apples, 208.
Pink, 48, 209.
Piony, 211.
Pippins, 21.
Planche on fleur-de-lis, 97.
Plane, 213.
Plantagenet, 41.
Plantain, 214.
Platt, Sir H., 163, 281.
Pliny, 13, 16, 48, 72.
Plum, 216.
Plutarch, 12.
Poetry of Gardening, 339.
Poet's Narcissus, 77.
"Poets' Pleasaunce," 109, 311.
Polyanthus, 66.
Pomatum, 20.
Pomegranate, 219.
Pomewater, 21.