lileo, Napoleon,--only one should have been a man of
Contemporary Italian literature follows the trend of the day in
reflecting the life of the people. The novels of Fogazzaro, the poems of
Carducci, the biography and history written by Villari, to say nothing
of several other writers who, while not approaching these authors, have
still a definite place in the literature of the present, offer
illumination on the outer scenery of life, and offer interpretation of
the life itself. Art has declined; literature has advanced in Italy,
even within the past decade. The law of progress is as inevitable as is
the law of gravitation.
"Onward the chariot of the Unvarying moves;
Nor day divulges him nor night conceals;
Thou hear'st the echo of unreturning hooves,
And thunder of irrevocable wheels."
The future of Italy inspires faith in the renewal of its noblest ideals
of achievement. Its ineffable beauty is a heritage of joy to every
visitor who comes under the indescribable spell of its attraction and
finds that, in all the panorama of foreign life which haunts his memory,
it is Italy which shines resplendent as the Magic Land!
Accademia des Arcades, Rome, 334.
Accademia di San Luca, oldest art school, 44;
location of, 45;
galleries of, 46, 47, 48.
Acqua Sacra, 428.
Akers, Paul, in Rome, 10;
early death of, 53;
work of, 54, 55;
quoted, 56;
Hawthorne's estimate of, 57.
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, quoted, 387.
Allen, Elizabeth Akers, quoted, 53.
Amalfi, 253-257;
destruction of, 258, 259.
Ambrosian library, Milan, 449.
American Academy, Rome, 214.
American Embassy, Rome, location of, 153;
ball at, 164-167;
receptions at, 169.
Anderson, Hendrick Christian, in Rome, 10.
Angelo, Michael, work of, 22, 23, 312;
message of, 117;
friendship with Vittoria Colonna, 290;
Longfellow's poem on, 308-310;
art of, 313, 314;
quoted, 314, 316, 317, 318, 323;
gift to Vittoria Colonna, 318;
meeting with Francesco d'Ollanda, 322, 323, 324;
Walter Pater's estimate of, 327, 328, 329.
Annunziata Cathedral, Genoa, 452.
Aquinas, Thomas, birthplace of, 276;
tomb of, 331;
monastery of, 333.
Aquinum, 277.
"Arcadians," meetings of, 150.
Ariosto, 306.
Art, as leader of popular taste, 115;
inspired by religious ideals, 116;
Renaissance in, 1