ectly and be worn with comfort.
INTESTINAL COLIC. (Enteralgia).--Causes.--Predisposing; poor general
condition, worry, over-work, nervous disposition. Exciting causes;
exposure, gas in the bowels, mass of feces, undigested or irritating food,
cold drinks, green fruit, ice cream when a person is very warm.
Symptoms.--Intermittent pain usually in the umbilical (navel) region,
moving from place to place, dull or sharp pain, relieved by pressure or
bending forward. Abdomen is distended or drawn back. It lasts a few
minutes or many hours, ending gradually or suddenly, after a passage of
gas or movement of the bowels.
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT.--1. Remove cause first if possible. Mild cases; put
heat to the abdomen by hot water bag, wring cloths out of hot water and
put in them ten drops of turpentine and place over the bowels hot. Give
dose of peppermint water or ginger tea.
2. Severe case.--Morphine hypodermically, if necessary, in a severe case;
mustard poultice is good, also a spice poultice.
3. Tincture of Colocynth (bitter cucumber) is an excellent remedy for this
trouble. I have often used it with great success. Put five drops of it in
a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes
until relieved. A few doses generally relieve the patient.
THE LIVER.--The liver is the largest gland in the body, and is situated in
the upper and right part of the abdominal cavity. The lower border of the
liver corresponds to the lower border of the ribs in front and to the
right side. It weighs fifty to sixty ounces in the male; in the female,
forty to fifty ounces. It is about eight to nine inches in its transverse
measurement; vertically near its right surface it is six to seven inches,
while it is four to five inches thick at its thickest part. Opposite the
backbone from behind forward it measures about three inches. The left
lobe, the smallest and thinnest, extends to the left, over what is called
the pit of the stomach.
BILIOUSNESS.--This condition presents different symptoms in different
cases, but it always includes languor, headache or dizziness, perhaps some
yellow color of the skin and conjunctiva, and a general sense of want of
tone, depression of spirits and discomfort.
Causes.--The liver does not perform its function well, or there is a
retention of bile in the bile ducts. Most of the symptoms do not depend
directly upon the changes in the bile, but upo